A unique feature of Villa Shandison is its very wide and varied birdlife, owing in the main to the plethora of flowering plants in the villa’s garden, which comes to life every morning and accompanying evening with our feathered friends. We have been fortunate to have hosted award-winning nature photographer William Barrow who has generously shared his keen eye with us and us with you.
The 750 Acre Tobago Plantations Estate, which is home to Villa Shandison boasts over 5 manmade lakes and ponds that are abloom with lilies and water-wading birds. You can find many of Williams’s shots on our website, Instagram, and Pinterest boards.

The best time to visit the bonds would be in the early morning 5.30 am to 7 am and the lakes in the later afternoon to view the return of the
herons from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm which is a truly beautiful sight to behold.